Friday, June 3, 2011 beyond the circumstances (ronan update)...

as i said in my prelude to this particular update, last night was such a fun fun fun evening. ronan was in such a great mood and bursting full of energy. shortly after i entered his home, i was greeted with his sweet little arms tightly surrounding my legs. then we danced in the living room, and then he danced with rachel. we ran laps chasing one another around the house, we played outside, and he was tossed around in a parachute...

nick wasn't feeling too well during part of the night...

but for ronan, it was one fun event after the other. that was, until his parents had to change the bandages on his port. the process requires the use of alcohol which, as you can imagine, stings. not an easy process for anyone...

the amazing thing about ronan is that although he has to go through these intermittent unpleasant events, moments later he's right back to life as normal. and i like to think that his memory of last night is much like that instead of choosing to focus on the pain he had to withstand, chooses to cherish all the crazy running around and laughter he enjoyed with the people he loves most.

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